CBO Estimates Inflation Reduction Act will Trim $102 Billion off Federal Deficit

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has scored the $739 billion “Inflation Reduction Act” (a.k.a. Build Back Better-lite). The CBO forecast the legislation will lead to a net deficit decrease of more than $102 billion over the next ten years.

You can access the CBO report HERE.

The CBO scoring will be seen as a victory for Senate Democrats and clearly helpful to their efforts to get the Reconciliation package voted on in the next week. Moreover, they hope it helps convince Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) - whose vote will make or break the deal - to get to a “yes” vote on the deal.

As of this writing, Sinema has yet to comment on the bill, saying she wanted to see how the Senate Parliamentarian ruled on the package (e.g., will it qualify as a Reconciliation worthy bill, or will certain parts be struck as not meeting the Reconciliation standard).


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